We work together with local helpers. In a refugee camp in northern Syria, your donation for Iftar will go directly to the Sadaqahcoin kitchen to meet the hunger of our brothers and sisters in time for Iftar from the first to the last Ramadan.
The righteous salaf were keen to provide food for others and they thought that this was one of the best of righteous deeds.
One of the salaf said: “For me to invite ten of my companions and feed them food that they like is dearer to me than freeing ten of the sons of Isma’il from slavery.”
Many of the salaf used to give up their iftar for others, such as ‘Abd-Allah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), Dawud al-Tai, Malik ibn Dinar and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Ibn ‘Umar used to break his fast with orphans and the poor and needy.